Boku-Nou" is an artist who continues to create unexpected and original works/articles from common everyday motifs and actions.
A variety of new items have arrived at "KANE-ZANMAI" on the 4th floor of Shibuya PARCO.
Some items are one-of-a-kind, so please come to the store as soon as possible.
プロフィール: ぼく脳/芸人・パフォーマー 1990年生まれ。
吉本興業に所属し、芸人としてキャリアをスタートした後、漫画や音楽、ファッ ションといった幅広い分野で作品を制作。ツイッターやインスタグラムなどで作品を発表し、日常に転がるアイテムを使った独創的なアートセンスが巷で話題を呼んでいる。
Profile: Bokunou/ Comedian, Performer Born in 1990.
After starting his career as a comedian at Yoshimoto Kogyo, he has been creating works in a wide range of fields such as manga, music, and fashion. He has been showing his works on Twitter and Instagram, and his creative sense of art using everyday items has been attracting a lot of attention.

【Shinkansen's seat denim】
A storage pocket in the back of a bullet train seat is attached to the butt of the denim.

【People who are suffering from Eco-Mark"】
The Eco Mark is a mark that is attached to products with low environmental impact in the process of manufacturing and sales. It is based on the letter "e" of the alphabet.
This bag is decorated with the face of a human being suffering from the letter "e".

"Grab a handful of collar"
You get one chance to put your hand inside a box containing a "piece of clothing." You grab it and get it. You may take home what you grab as is.
One play is 500 yen.

金三昧とは、アーティスト・コレクティブ「Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Group」が立ち上げたアートプロジェクトの一つ。2022年には渋谷PARCO4階に常設店舗がオープン。消費者の論理とアートの論理が交錯する東京・渋谷の丘の上から、「資本主義」と「アート市場」の力学を問う。
KANE-ZANMAI is one of the art projects launched by the artist collective "Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Group," which will open a permanent store on the 4th floor of Shibuya PARCO in 2022. From the hilltop of Shibuya, Tokyo, where the logic of consumers and the logic of art intersect, the dynamics of "capitalism" and the "art market" will be questioned.