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【ぼく脳】ICカードの残高足りないかもTシャツ/【BOKUNOU】Your IC card might not have enough balance T-shirt



  • White Msize


  • White Lsize


  • White XLsize


  • White XXLsize


♦ぼく脳×金三昧♦ ぼく脳展グッズ よく残高不足で改札を止めてしまう人にオススメ。 周りの人への気配りです。 ※7月20日(土)~8月4日(日)まで予約受付中! 発送は8月中旬~下旬を予定しております。 在庫がある商品は随時お届け予定です。 BOKUNOU Exhibition Goods Recommended for people who often get stopped at the ticket gate due to insufficient balance. It's about being considerate to those around you. *Reservations are being accepted from Saturday, July 20 to Sunday, August 4! Shipping is scheduled for mid to late August. In-stock items will be delivered as needed. Please check if the parcel will reach your country from Japan. →https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html
